Warm leads, every day with automations running 24/7 and find unique intent data that you can’t get anywhere else. Save your time by narrowing your scraped lists with 1,000+ data points to find your ICP. Tap into data like job location, company size, connection degree, languages spoken and more.
Send personalized LinkedIn messages with AI. Feed your AI writer unique data for personalized messages that convert. Post comments, likes, and DMs to your prospects on auto-pilot. Send connection requests to new profiles with up to 3 follow-up messages and track your results.
 Enrich your HubSpot contacts with their LinkedIn profile details Gathering leads is just the first step. Making those leads actionable is where the magic happens. Get information like headlines, bios, job descriptions, skills and connections counts / degrees.

Zeichenfläche 6


Source qualified leads from any corner of the web, fill gaps in your database with contact enrichment, and ethically automate your outreach campaigns at scale.


Generate masses of leads right from where you find them. Gather your ideal targets 24/7 to drive your revenue and growth goals on autopilot.


Automates your own account on various platforms. Unlike other web scrapers, they do not use fake accounts to access data you would otherwise not have access to.


Connect to you HubSpot, even the free plan, and keep your data fresh and relevant. OpenAI, pipedrive, Zapier and make using using PhantomBuster’s API.


Chat bot, blogs, video tutorials, use cases, coaching, request form, help center with articles, paid services and reach via email at moc.retsubmotnahp%40troppus

Use Case

Any business looking to increase:
LinkedIn outreach
Data & email enrichment
Lead extraction
Social media automation