● "Website monitoring" is a service that checks on an website's availability continuously by analyzing the performance and uptime of websites. Ensure that websites are always up-to-date and perform.● Don’t lose customer confidence, your domain could have expired or even worse, could have been hijacked Use DNS monitoring and get notified if your domain's DNS addresses change.● SEO is hugely impacted by slow page load speed which means your ranking significantly drops. This pagespeed monitoring tool allows web masters to identify and correct problems before they escalate into expensive or time-consuming issues.
Know when your website is down
before your customers do! Monitor real-time from all around the world. Find peace of mind knowing your services are up and running.
Focus on your business. Let us worry about your services up-time.
Monitor your services from 20 different locations around the world. Sit back and relax.
You don't need to install anything, as robot.alp runs in the cloud. Monitoring every minute 24/7/365. Receive instant notifications via email or SMS Message.
Global network has 20 different monitoring servers. 8 Monitors included: Website, Port, API, SSL Certificate, Keyword, Domain DNS, Safe Browsing, Pagespeed,
Help guides with everything you need to know. including how to get started articles. FAQ, email ticket and a community to support entrepreneurs and developers.
Use Case
Any business with a website and wants to identify your services downtime and be notified as soon as it happens so you’ll always be the first one to know.